Thursday, January 10, 2008

snowboarding in tahoe

just about killed me. at one point, i saw my life pass before me as a 6 yr old went shooting by me on the bunny slope. nothing screams that i am disgustingly out of shape more than being beaten down a run by little kids. in spite of my face plants, shaky legs, and extreme exhaustion, it was ridiculously fun. 
tahoe is spectacular. the chef and i visited the day before the most recent storm and it was a perfect winter wonderland, snow covered and blue skies. i hadn't seen heavy snow in some time and it made me long for thick wool blankets, hot cocoa, overstuffed leather sofas, and a roaring fire surrounded by a river rock mantle. nothing is more cozy than leather, stone and wood by fire light... especially after having your ass handed to you by the mountain and a rental board. 
next time i'll stay safe and lounge here

photo courtesy of Cedar House Sport Hotel

Polite Request: a series

when visiting a museum one may have the urge to speak up, at a normal volume, and discuss the art with those they are with. one may feel the need to elaborate within the exhibit on their thoughts regarding certain works, or may even try to converse about their own artist endeavors. I politely request however, that you shut the f up. the girl you are trying to impress does not care about your thoughts on 19th century frameworks. in fact, she'll just be embarrassed when she notices me rolling my eyes at all the dumb shit you are saying :) 

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

joseph cornell

Cornell Piece
Cornell is a particular favorite of mine and i have had a slight obsession with him for years. i've gone out of my way to view his work in a number of museums throughout the states and abroad. there is a special quality to his work; every piece is carefully hand crafted using found objects specific to each theme. his constructed shadow boxes and collages are playful yet haunting. the corners of the imagination are brought forward and displayed in perfectly crafted vignettes. i am mesmerized time and again by the details in his work. 

with the current popularity of d.i.y projects and 'found art' collages, everyone should find inspiration in J.C.'s work. you can only imagine how stoked i was to find that the SFMoma was exhibiting his most comprehensive collection in 25 years, dating from the 1930s to his death in 1972.
on the last day of the exhibit, i waded through the crowds to view his brilliance, which was totally worth it. i only wished i had learned of the exhibit sooner so I could have spent more hours drooling.  however, for those late to the party like myself or for those interested in learning more about Joseph Cornell, there is a very cool website we can all visit. Established by the Peabody Essex Museum, the site cleverly allows you to surf through the exhibit online, entitled - Joseph Cornell: Navigating the ImaginationClick here for the link... It's a fantastic glimpse of the real thing and I highly recommend checking it out.....and oh yes, i did use the word "stoked" to describe my feelings! 

Friday, January 4, 2008

the first

this is an experiment. Just like the 'first' of anything is an experiment. this is a way for me to share, express and open up about things mundane, personal and oh so vital in what drives my interests on subjects vital or meaningless . this is something for my mother to read, more importantly, this is for me and my Chef. personally, i think my Chef can only take so much talk about the latest issues of Dwell magazine, re-run espisodes of 90210, that fabric on that one chair at that place we once went and random references to 80's theme, whatever happen to predicability, the milkman, the paper boy, even mtv...